巴基斯坦私有化部长计划对造成损失的政府实体实行私有化,以缓解财政压力。 Pakistan's Minister for Privatization plans to privatize loss-making government entities to ease financial strain.
巴基斯坦私有化部长Abdulleem Khan宣布计划对造成损失的政府实体进行私有化,以减轻国家预算的财政负担。 Abdul Aleem Khan, Pakistan's Minister for Privatization, announced plans to privatize loss-making government entities to ease the financial burden on the national budget. 他强调改革使巴基斯坦国际航空公司私有化更有吸引力,并指示董事会在一周内与能源部解决问题。 He highlighted reforms making the privatization of Pakistan International Airlines more attractive and instructed the board to resolve issues with the Ministry of Energy within a week. 目标是加快私有化进程,同时遵守法律框架并确保透明度。 The goal is to expedite the privatization process while adhering to legal frameworks and ensuring transparency.