巴基斯坦最高法院为国内PIA航空公司私有化铺平了道路,强调透明度。 Pakistan's Supreme Court clears the way for the privatization of national airline PIA, stressing transparency.
巴基斯坦最高法院已解除对巴基斯坦国家航空公司国际航空公司私有化的中止,允许政府继续工作。 The Supreme Court of Pakistan has lifted the stay on the privatization of national carrier Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), allowing the government to proceed. 法院强调需要透明度,并要求持续参与这一进程。 The court emphasized the need for transparency and requested ongoing involvement in the process. 该裁决还解除了对投资管理局飞行作业的禁令。 The ruling also lifted a ban on PIA's flight operations. 法院建议,一个透明的程序可导致对投资管理局进行更高的估价。 The court suggested that a transparent process could lead to a higher valuation for PIA.