巴基斯坦内委员会批准了与国家广播公司SRBC私有化或合作的举措. Pakistan's Cabinet Committee OKs move to privatize or partner SRBC, a struggling state broadcaster.
巴基斯坦国有企业内阁委员会决定不将Shalimar录音和广播公司归类为战略实体,为私有化或公私伙伴关系打开大门。 The Cabinet Committee on State-Owned Enterprises in Pakistan has decided not to classify Shalimar Recording and Broadcasting Company (SRBC) as a strategic entity, opening the door to privatization or public-private partnerships. SRBC面临财政困难,包括20亿卢比的债务,为解决危机提出了几种选择方案。 SRBC, facing financial difficulties including Rs2 billion in liabilities, had proposed several options to address its crisis. 该委员会旨在通过质疑国家实体的必要性来减少国家损失。 The committee aims to reduce national losses by questioning the necessity of state entities.