巴基斯坦监管者讨论促进电力部门的竞争以提高效率和投资。 Pakistani regulators discuss promoting competition in the power sector to boost efficiency and investment.
巴基斯坦竞争委员会举行了一次会议,讨论其关于增强电力部门竞争的研究。 The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) held a session to discuss its study on enhancing competition in the power sector. 关键建议包括实施竞争性贸易双边合同市场模式,允许电力公司之间订立直接合同。 Key recommendations included implementing the Competitive Trading Bilateral Contract Market (CTBCM) model, allowing direct contracts between power companies. 这次会议旨在提高效率和吸引外国投资,有政府机构和竞争促进委员会成员参加,强调竞争加剧的好处。 The session aimed to promote efficiency and attract foreign investment, with participation from government agencies and CCP members emphasizing the benefits of increased competition.