新西兰议会提出法案,允许Takapuna帆船俱乐部从商业上租赁空间,用于维修经费。 New Zealand MP introduces bill to allow Takapuna Boating Club to lease space commercially for maintenance funds.
新西兰议员Simon Watts提出了一项法案,修正Takapuna船俱乐部湾水俱乐部俱乐部授权法,允许为商业目的租赁该俱乐部,同时保留其主要用于社区活动。 New Zealand MP Simon Watts introduced a bill to amend the empowering act for the Takapuna Boating Club's Bayswater clubhouse, allowing it to be leased for commercial purposes while maintaining its primary use for community activities. 该法案旨在更新1923年的《法案》,确保商业用途的收益用于该场址的维护。 The bill, aimed at updating a 1923 Act, ensures that proceeds from commercial use are used for the site's maintenance. 它获得了当地倡导者和俱乐部准将James Jordan的支持。 It has gained support from local advocates and the club's commodore, James Jordan.