曼联在大联盟中主宰拳击日, 球迷花10个小时观看比赛。 Manchester United dominates Boxing Day in Premier League, while fans spend up to 10 hours watching matches.
曼联在英超联赛中以21场比赛胜利和76个进球领先32年,而纽卡斯尔则以15场失利和45场进球的记录最差. Manchester United leads the Premier League with 21 Boxing Day victories and 76 goals over 32 years, while Newcastle has the worst record with 15 losses and 45 conceded goals. 对2 000名球迷的《洛托兰体育手册》研究显示,40%的球迷更喜欢拳击日比赛,而不是其他体育赛事,球迷观看长达10个小时的比赛。 A Lottoland Sportsbook study of 2,000 fans shows 40% prefer Boxing Day matches over other sporting events, with fans watching up to 10 hours of games. 今年,34%的人因冠军赛而特别兴奋。 This year, 34% are extra excited due to the title race.