天空体育在英超中播放阿森纳-利物浦和切尔西-纽卡斯尔的比赛. Sky Sports broadcasts Arsenal-Liverpool & Chelsea-Newcastle Premier League matches.
10月27日,天空体育将播出两个英超联赛:阿森纳vs利物浦下午4点,切尔西vs纽卡斯尔下午2点. On October 27, Sky Sports will broadcast two Premier League matches: Arsenal vs. Liverpool at 4:00 PM and Chelsea vs. Newcastle at 2:00 PM. 阿森纳希望在之前主场3-1战胜利物浦的基础上再接再厉,而切尔西的目标是延续对纽卡斯尔的连胜纪录,上赛季纽卡斯尔联两场比赛都取得了胜利。 Arsenal seeks to build on their previous 3-1 home victory over Liverpool, while Chelsea aims to extend their winning streak against Newcastle, having won both encounters last season. 报道包括两场比赛的直播和字幕,是天空体育"超级星期日直播"的一部分. Coverage includes live broadcasts and subtitles for both matches, part of Sky Sports' "Live Super Sunday."