一名男子在纽黑文的圣诞夜被致命枪杀;警方正在调查这起杀人案。 A man was fatally shot on Christmas Eve in New Haven; police are investigating the homicide.
一个43岁的老人在圣诞节前夕晚上晚上8点15分 在康涅狄格州纽黑文的Edgewood大道被致命枪杀 A 43-year-old man was fatally shot on Christmas Eve night around 8:15 p.m. on Edgewood Avenue in New Haven, Connecticut. 纽黑文警察局正在调查此案,该案被归类为杀人案。 The New Haven Police Department is investigating the case, which has been classified as a homicide. 受害者已经初步确定,但进一步细节尚待确定。 The victim has been tentatively identified, but further details are pending. 警方封锁了这一地区,并正在寻求公众的任何信息,以协助其调查。 The police have cordoned off the area and are seeking any information from the public to aid their investigation.