在新的日历中,父亲的目标是筹集资金,促进女运动员的平等。 Dads in a new calendar aim to raise funds and promote equality for female athletes.
一群有"爸爸"生理特征的男人 创建了一个日历 为女运动员募集资金 A group of men with "dad bod" physiques have created a calendar to raise funds for female athletes. 日历销售的收益将支持各种女性体育方案,并帮助支付培训和竞争费用。 Proceeds from the calendar sales will support various female sports programs and help cover training and competition costs. 该倡议旨在促进体育运动中的两性平等,提高人们对女运动员面临的挑战的认识。 The initiative aims to promote gender equality in sports and raise awareness about the challenges faced by female athletes.