中国批评菲律宾国防秘书反对美国导弹支援、人权评论。 China criticizes Philippine defense secretary over US missile support, human rights comments.
中国批评菲律宾国防部长Gilberto Teodoro支持美国在菲律宾部署导弹并批评中国的人权记录。 China criticized Philippine Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro for his remarks supporting the deployment of US missiles in the Philippines and criticizing China's human rights record. 中国驻马尼拉大使馆称特奥多罗(Teodoro)的评论为“不专业和有偏见”, The Chinese Embassy in Manila called Teodoro's comments "unprofessional and biased," urging the Philippines to withdraw the missile system. Teodoro则指责中国扩大其核武库和支持在国外的颠覆活动。 Teodoro countered by accusing China of expanding its nuclear arsenal and supporting subversive activities abroad.