圣克莱尔县在盗窃和持有毒品案件中进行逮捕,扣押了50 000多美元的被盗物品和毒品。 St. Clair County arrests made in theft and drug possession cases, seizing over $50,000 in stolen goods and drugs.
在密歇根州圣克莱尔县,54岁的William Kenneth Evenson被逮捕并被指控犯有多起盗窃罪,包括入室盗窃、偷铜线和持有甲基苯丙胺。 In St. Clair County, Michigan, 54-year-old William Kenneth Evenson was arrested and charged with multiple thefts, including break-ins and stealing copper wiring, and possession of methamphetamine. 警察在搜查他家时发现价值5万多美元的被盗物品和6盎司晶体冰毒。 Police found over $50,000 worth of stolen items and six ounces of crystal meth during the search of his home. 此外,45岁的Jamal Cannon因持有15克甲基安非他明和30克可卡因而被捕,两名嫌疑人均持有高额债券。 Additionally, 45-year-old Jamal Cannon was arrested for possession of 15 grams of meth and 30 grams of cocaine, with both suspects held on high bonds.