密歇根州一名80岁的男子在家中发现1.6磅安非他明,被捕。 An 80-year-old Michigan man was arrested with 1.6 pounds of meth found in his home.
一名80岁的男子在密歇根州Paw Paw被捕,当时警察在家中发现1.6磅甲基苯丙胺。 An 80-year-old man in Paw Paw, Michigan, was arrested after police found 1.6 pounds of methamphetamine in his home. Van Buren县警察局执行搜查令 最初在车库里发现了少量的冰毒和假药 The Van Buren County Sheriff's Department executed a search warrant, initially discovering a small amount of meth and paraphernalia in the garage. 嫌疑人承认参与贩毒,并带警察到地下室,在那里发现大部分的安非他明。 The suspect admitted to drug trafficking and led officers to the basement where the bulk of the meth was found. 此外,还缴获了几支枪。 Several guns were also seized. 他的妻子在场,不被视为嫌疑人。 His wife, who was present, is not considered a suspect. 州检察官将审查此案的指控。 The case will be reviewed by the county prosecutor for charges.