当选总统约翰·马哈马旨在通过灌溉和机械支助实现加纳农业现代化。 President-elect John Mahama aims to modernize Ghana's agriculture through irrigation and machinery support.
当选总统约翰·马哈马计划通过注重灌溉、机械支持和现代化来改善加纳的农业。 President-elect John Mahama plans to improve Ghanaian farming by focusing on irrigation, machinery support, and modernization. 根据他个人的农业经验,他旨在建立服务中心,实施支流灌溉系统,以提高生产力。 Drawing from his personal farming experience, he aims to create service centers and implement a pivot irrigation system to boost productivity. Mahama将农业视为一种生活方式,并计划扩大自己的农业企业,包括牲畜和作物,如玉米和大豆,强调他致力于使农业更有利可图,更可持续。 Mahama sees farming as a way of life and plans to expand his own agricultural enterprise, which includes livestock and crops like maize and soybean, emphasizing his commitment to making agriculture more profitable and sustainable.