Perth-Wellington议员John Nater讨论了年度成就和挑战,反对自由住房基金并筹备选举。 Perth-Wellington MP John Nater discussed yearly achievements and challenges, opposing the Liberal housing fund and preparing for elections.
Perth-Wellington议员John Nater讨论了今年的挑战和成就,包括Chrestia Freeland的辞职以及旅游业和小企业的改善。 Perth-Wellington MP John Nater discussed the year's challenges and successes, including Chrystia Freeland's resignation and improvements in tourism and small businesses. 他谈到住房问题和保守党反对自由住房加速基金的立场,指出这对珀斯-惠灵顿没有好处。 He addressed housing issues and the Conservative party's stance against the Liberal housing accelerator fund, stating it doesn't benefit Perth-Wellington. Nater强调政策明确,为即将举行的选举做好准备。 Nater emphasized being clear on policies and ready for the upcoming election.