PDX在假日旅行高峰期间为安全检查站安装了等候时间显示器。 PDX introduces wait time displays for security checkpoints amid holiday travel surge.
波特兰国际机场(PDX)引入了显示其两个安全检查站估计等候时间的新显示器,在繁忙的节日期间帮助旅行者。 Portland International Airport (PDX) has introduced new displays showing estimated wait times for its two security checkpoints, aiding travelers during the busy holiday season. 机场预计,未来两周将有近100万乘客通过机场,从圣诞节到1月1日的高峰旅行日之间。 The airport anticipates nearly one million passengers will pass through in the next two weeks, with peak travel days between Christmas and January 1. 该显示器还有助于TSA调整人员配置,以更有效地管理队列。 The display also helps the TSA adjust staffing to manage queues more effectively.