在俄克拉荷马城,在三辆汽车事故后,一人在撞伤和逃跑中受重伤。 In Oklahoma City, a person was seriously injured in a hit-and-run after a three-car accident.
俄克拉荷马城西北部西北 10 街和佛蒙特大道附近发生了一起肇事逃逸事件,此前发生了三车事故。 A hit-and-run incident occurred in northwest Oklahoma City near NW 10th Street and Vermont Avenue after a three-car accident. 一人出面检查损坏情况,另一名司机试图离开现场,并被击中。 One person stepped out to check the damage and was struck by another driver attempting to leave the scene. 受伤者被送往医院,伤情严重。 The injured individual was taken to the hospital in serious condition. NW 10号东行道已经关闭,但此后又重新开放。 The eastbound lanes of NW 10th were closed but have since reopened. 建议司机期待出现延误。 Drivers are advised to expect delays.