Norbert Matara被指控在汽车中发现Tracy Nyariki被肢解的尸体后犯有一级谋杀罪。 Norbert Matara is charged with first-degree murder after the dismembered body of Tracy Nyariki was found in his car.
来自特拉华州纽瓦克的31岁妇女Tracy Nyariki在未上班后据报失踪。 Tracy Nyariki, a 31-year-old woman from Newark, Delaware, was reported missing after not showing up to work. 后来在马里兰州阿伯丁的一辆属于32岁的Norbert Matara的汽车中发现了她被肢解的尸体,他被捕。 Her dismembered body was later found in a car in Aberdeen, Maryland, belonging to 32-year-old Norbert Matara, who was arrested. Matara和Nyariki是熟人,现在他被关押在马里兰州,等待被引渡到特拉华州,在那里他将面临一级谋杀指控。 Matara and Nyariki were acquaintances, and he is now being held in Maryland awaiting extradition to Delaware, where he will face first-degree murder charges. 警方正在寻求公众提供补充资料。 Police are seeking additional information from the public.