26岁的Nesemeier因转移死者尸体而受到调查;因盗窃、防止逮捕和拥有被盗财产而被捕。 26-year-old Nesemeier under investigation for moving dead man's body; arrested for theft, preventing arrest, and possession of stolen property.
26岁的特里·内塞迈尔(Terri Nesemeier)在法戈(Fargo)接受调查,罪名是涉嫌对一名男子的尸体进行验尸。在一栋公寓楼中发现的初步调查结果并不表明存在犯规行为。 26-year-old Terri Nesemeier is under investigation in Fargo for a suspected post-mortem move of a man's body; found in an apartment building, preliminary findings do not suggest foul play. 死者认识的Nesemeier因盗窃信用卡、阻止逮捕和持有被盗财产而被捕,在Nesemeier的家中发现了属于受害者的被盗物品。 Nesemeier, known to the deceased, was arrested for theft of a credit card, preventing arrest, and possession of stolen property, with stolen items belonging to the victim discovered at Nesemeier's home. 死因有待验尸。 The cause of death is pending autopsy results.