尼日利亚总统蒂努布呼吁进行系统性变革,以打击腐败和促进农业。 Nigerian President Tinubu calls for systemic changes to fight corruption and boost agriculture.
尼日利亚总统博拉·蒂努布呼吁进行系统性改革以打击腐败,强调改善生活条件、获得水电设施和公平工资。 President Bola Tinubu of Nigeria called for systemic changes to combat corruption, emphasizing improvements in living conditions, access to utilities, and fair wages. 他指出,增加供应而不是控制价格是稳定市场的关键。 He argued that increasing supply rather than controlling prices is key to stabilizing the market. Tinubu还宣布计划利用2 000多辆拖拉机促进农业,以提高生产力和减少粮食进口。 Tinubu also announced plans to boost agriculture with over 2,000 tractors to enhance productivity and reduce food imports.