哈佛大学的AI法律材料更新了“AI119项目”, 帮助残疾学生和退伍军人提出法律索赔。 Harvard's AI Legal Mate updates 'AI119 Project,' aiding disabled students and veterans in legal claims.
AI Legal Mate, 总部设在哈佛的AI Law研究组织, 使用AGI和量子计算, AI Legal Mate, a Harvard-based AI Law research organization, has filed updates for its 'Law and Health' technology, using AGI and quantum computing. “AI119项目”通过《PACT法》帮助残疾哈佛学生和退伍军人提出法律索赔。 The 'AI119 Project' assists disabled Harvard students and veterans in legal claims through the PACT Act. 该技术旨在通过将现场律师与 AI 资源和 SOC-2 应用程序集成以进行文档认证,在几天内解决数千个案件。 The technology aims to resolve thousands of cases within days by integrating live attorneys with AI resources and SOC-2 applications for document certification.