阿肯色州Ebing空军国民警卫队基地为波兰的试点训练提供F-35型飞机,扩大其国际军事作用。 Ebbing Air National Guard Base in Arkansas hosts F-35s for Polish pilot training, expanding its international military role.
第一批F-35喷气式战斗机已抵达阿肯色州史密斯堡的Ebing空军国民警卫队基地,从1月开始训练波兰飞行员。 The first two F-35 fighter jets have arrived at Ebbing Air National Guard Base in Fort Smith, Arkansas, to train Polish pilots starting in January. 该基地由得克萨斯和密歇根两地选定,还将为来自芬兰、德国和瑞士的飞行员举办新加坡F-16中队和未来F-35培训。 The base, chosen over locations in Texas and Michigan, will also host Singapore's F-16 squadron and future F-35 training for pilots from Finland, Germany, and Switzerland. 这标志着基地在国际军事训练中的作用大大扩大。 This marks a significant expansion of the base's role in international military training.