经空军评估后,穆迪空军基地将于2023年6月接收F-35A中队。 Moody Air Force Base to receive F-35A squadron in June 2023, following Air Force assessment.
格鲁吉亚参议员乔恩·奥索夫宣布,根据空军的评估,穆迪空军基地将在2023年6月接受一个新的F-35A Lightning II中队。 Georgia Senator Jon Ossoff announced that Moody Air Force Base will receive a new F-35A Lightning II squadron in June 2023, following an Air Force assessment. F-35模式有望使基地取得进展,改善国家安全,并对该区域产生积极的经济影响。 The F-35 model is expected to bring progress to the base, improve national security, and have a positive economic impact on the region. 这项搬迁需要一个多年的建设过程,以支持高级喷气式飞机。 The move requires a multi-year construction process to support the advanced jet.