芝加哥的说唱歌手Lil Reese因袭击当时的女友而被判处五年徒刑. Chicago rapper Lil Reese sentenced to five years for assaulting his then-girlfriend.
芝加哥饶舌歌手Lil Reese因在2022年3月袭击他当时的女友而被判处5年监禁。 Chicago rapper Lil Reese has been sentenced to five years in prison for assaulting his then-girlfriend in March 2022. 他可在2026年8月获得假释。 He is eligible for parole in August 2026. 此外,他被指控于2023年9月在休斯顿脱衣舞俱乐部再次袭击她。 Additionally, he faced charges for allegedly attacking her again in a Houston strip club in September 2023. 8月,洛杉矶早先发生的一起强奸案被驳回。 An earlier rape case in Los Angeles was dismissed in August.