Rapper NBA YoungBoy承认犯有欺诈罪,避开州监狱,但面临联邦判决。 Rapper NBA YoungBoy pleads guilty to fraud, avoiding state prison but facing federal sentence.
Rapper NBA YoungBoy, 或Kentrell Gaulden, 承认在犹他州住宅的处方毒品欺诈行动中扮演的角色。 Rapper NBA YoungBoy, or Kentrell Gaulden, pleaded guilty to his role in a prescription drug fraud operation from his Utah home. 他面临46项指控,但承认犯有两项重罪身份欺诈罪、两项伪造罪和六项轻罪药店罪。 He faced 46 charges but pleaded guilty to two counts of felony identity fraud, two of forgery, and six of misdemeanor pharmacy offenses. 作为认罪协议的一部分,他不会在州监狱服刑,但将缴纳25 000美元的罚款,在联邦监狱服刑27个月,然后是5年的联邦缓刑。 As part of a plea deal, he will not serve state prison time but will pay a $25,000 fine and serve 27 months in federal prison, followed by five years of federal probation.