Biden将佛罗里达州五口之家的杀人凶手的死刑改判为无期徒刑。 Biden commutes death sentences to life in prison for killers of a family of five in Florida.
总统拜登(Biden)将因2006年在佛罗里达州回转车上谋杀一家人而被判死刑的两名男子的死刑减为终身监禁。 President Biden has commuted the death sentences of two men convicted for the murder of a family on Florida's Turnpike in 2006 to life in prison. 这对夫妇开枪打死了母亲、父亲和他们的两个小孩子。 The pair shot and killed a mother, father, and their two young children. 谋杀与贩毒行动有关,导致在他们家中发现了一公斤以上的可卡因、30克快克可卡因、30片摇头丸药片和无数枪支。 The murders were linked to a drug trafficking operation, leading to the discovery of over a kilogram of cocaine, 30 grams of crack cocaine, 30 ecstasy tablets, and numerous guns in their home. 他们与其他两人一起,因毒品、枪支和谋杀被捕。 Along with two others, they were arrested for drugs, guns, and the murders.