阿塞拜疆会议强调胚胎转移技术,将优质牲畜提高十倍。 Azerbaijan conference highlights embryo transfer tech to boost high-quality livestock tenfold.
阿塞拜疆举行了一次关于利用遗传研究和胚胎转移技术改进畜牧业的会议。 Azerbaijan held a conference on using genetic research and embryo transfer technologies to improve animal husbandry. 它由人工授精中心组织,吸引了250多名参与者,其中包括官员和研究人员。 Organized by the Artificial Insemination Center, it attracted over 250 participants including officials and researchers. 会议强调胚胎转移是增加来自高质量牛的后代的一种方式,被认为比进口动物更有效。 The conference highlighted embryo transfer as a way to increase offspring from high-quality cows, seen as more effective than importing animals. 该技术有可能将基因价值可观的牲畜增加十倍。 The technology can potentially boost genetically valuable livestock tenfold. 专家和农民因对实地的贡献而获奖。 Specialists and farmers were awarded for their contributions to the field.