世界上第一例犀牛体外受精怀孕为这个仅存两只活体动物的物种带来了希望。 The world's first rhino IVF pregnancy offers hope for a species with only two living animals remaining.
研究人员成功实现了试管受精犀牛怀孕,使北方白犀牛得以生存。 Researchers have successfully achieved an IVF rhino pregnancy, allowing the northern white rhinos to survive. BioRescue Project 是一个致力于拯救受威胁物种的非营利组织,宣布世界上首次成功进行犀牛胚胎移植。 BioRescue Project, a nonprofit focused on saving threatened species, announced the world's first successful embryo transfer in rhinos. 北方白犀牛是两个亚种之一,被认为在野外已经灭绝。 The northern white rhino, one of two subspecies, is considered extinct in the wild.