Arlington警察调查一名不适当地触摸妇女和未成年人的嫌疑人的性攻击事件。 Arlington police investigate sexual battery incidents by a suspect who inappropriately touches women and a minor.
Arlington警方正在调查自11月23日以来在Arlington Mills附近发生的一系列性攻击事件, Arlington police are investigating a series of sexual battery incidents in the Arlington Mill neighborhood since November 23, involving a suspect who inappropriately touches women and a minor before fleeing. 嫌犯被描述为一个重人 身高约5尺3到5尺6英寸高 The suspect is described as a heavy-set man, approximately 5'3" to 5'6" tall. C. Oesterling警探敦促任何有类似经历的人联系警方 Detective C. Oesterling urges anyone with similar experiences to contact the police.