阿肯色州政府办公室和服务机构正在关闭或改变圣诞节的日程安排。 Arkansas government offices and services are closing or altering schedules for Christmas.
阿肯色州的若干政府办公室和服务将关闭或改变2024年12月25日圣诞节的日程安排。 Several government offices and services in Arkansas will be closed or have altered schedules for the Christmas holiday on December 25, 2024. Pine Bluff市政厅和相关办公室12月24日至25日将关闭,Jefferson县法院将于12月24日至27日关闭。 Pine Bluff City Hall and related offices will be closed December 24-25, while the Jefferson County Courthouse will be closed December 24-27. 州办公室将于12月24日和25日关闭。 State offices will be closed on December 24 and 25. 12月24日和25日,地区老龄化机构和地方高级中心也将关闭。 The Area Agency on Aging and local senior centers will also be closed on December 24 and 25. 各城市的废物收集工作也将延迟最多两天。 Waste collection in various cities will also be delayed by up to two days. 阿肯色州东南部运输公司在12月24日只有基本医疗预约才能运作。 Southeast Arkansas Transportation will only operate for essential medical appointments on December 24.