Spokane市办公室、图书馆及公园将于11月28日至29日关闭感恩节。 Spokane city offices, libraries, and parks will be closed for Thanksgiving on Nov. 28-29.
斯波卡内市已概述了感恩节的节假日安排,11月28日和29日关闭了各种服务和设施。 The City of Spokane has outlined its holiday schedule for Thanksgiving, with various services and facilities closed on November 28 and 29. 图书馆、市政法庭和社区司法服务处将关闭,发展服务中心也将关闭。 The library, Municipal Court, and Community Justice Services will be closed, as will the Development Services Center. 垃圾回收将推迟用于星期四和星期五的收藏。 Trash pickup will be delayed for Thursday and Friday collections. 废物换能源设施将在感恩节关闭,否则将开放。 The Waste-to-Energy Facility will be closed on Thanksgiving but open otherwise. 河滨公园将在感恩节关闭。 Riverfront Park will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. 节假日停车计数器是免费的,但规则仍然有效。 Parking meters will be free on the holiday, but rules remain in effect.