苹果公司为全球防治艾滋病、肺结核和疟疾基金募集了3M元, Apple raised $3M for the Global Fund to combat AIDS, TB, and malaria through Apple Pay purchases.
苹果公司为全球防治艾滋病、肺结核和疟疾基金筹集了300万美元,从11月29日至12月8日,为苹果商店购买的每笔苹果工资捐助了5美元。 Apple raised $3 million for the Global Fund to combat AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, donating $5 for each Apple Pay purchase at Apple stores from November 29 to December 8. 全球基金自2002年以来拯救了6 500万人的生命,利用资金在发展中国家提供医疗保健服务。 The Global Fund, which has saved 65 million lives since 2002, uses the funding to provide healthcare in developing nations. 苹果运动支持(RED)这个与品牌合作对抗艾滋病及相关不公的组织。 Apple's campaign supports (RED), an organization that partners with brands to fight AIDS and related injustices.