由于惠灵顿大道700号土地成本高,Windsor停止了50万加元的无家可归中心计划。 Windsor halts $50M homelessness hub plans due to high land costs at 700 Wellington Avenue.
由于土地成本高,温莎市停止了在惠灵顿大道700号为5 000万美元的无家可归和住房救助中心购买土地的计划。 The City of Windsor has halted plans to buy land at 700 Wellington Avenue for a $50-million Homelessness and Housing Help Hub due to high land costs. 市长Drew Dilkens表示,该市仍致力于为中心寻找一个新的地点,其中包括诸如下城特派团提供的服务。 Mayor Drew Dilkens says the city remains committed to finding a new site for the hub, which will include services like those provided by the Downtown Mission. 该市将继续改善临时H4服务,同时寻找更负担得起的地点。 The city will continue to improve temporary H4 services while searching for a more affordable location.