乌克兰保安声称,俄罗斯将军下令进行导弹袭击,一名路透社安全顾问和受伤记者被打死。 Ukrainian security alleges Russian general ordered a missile strike that killed a Reuters safety adviser and injured journalists.
乌克兰保安部门声称,俄罗斯的Alexei Kim将军于8月下令进行导弹袭击,造成路透社一名安全顾问死亡,两名记者在乌克兰东部一家旅馆受伤。 Ukraine's security service claims that Russian General Alexei Kim ordered a missile strike in August that killed a Reuters safety adviser and injured two journalists in a hotel in eastern Ukraine. SBU指控Kim蓄意以记者为攻击目标, 尽管俄罗斯否认以平民为攻击目标。 The SBU accuses Kim of deliberately targeting journalists, though Russia denies targeting civilians. SBU没有为其声称提供证据,路透社要求获得关于这次袭击的更多详情。 The SBU has not provided evidence for its claims, and Reuters seeks more details on the attack.