2024年10月4日, 俄罗斯占领的Zaporizhzia核电厂保安负责人Andriy Korotky被乌克兰情报人员暗杀。 On October 4, 2024, Andriy Korotky, head of security at Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, was assassinated by Ukrainian intelligence.
据报告,乌克兰情报人员在2024年10月4日的汽车爆炸中暗杀了俄罗斯占领的Zaporizhzia核电厂保安负责人Andriy Korotky。 Ukrainian intelligence reportedly assassinated Andriy Korotky, head of security at the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, in a car bombing on October 4, 2024. Korotky被指控与俄罗斯部队合作,协助镇压亲乌克兰的人员。 Korotky was accused of collaborating with Russian forces and aiding in the repression of pro-Ukrainian personnel. 这一事件引起乌克兰和俄罗斯的相互指责,担心该设施对核安全的潜在危险。 The incident has drawn mutual blame from Ukraine and Russia, with concerns about the potential risks to nuclear safety at the facility.