两名青少年在沃尔玛盗窃案的追车后被捕。 Two teens arrested after a car chase following a Walmart larceny ended in a crash in Irondequoit.
在沃尔玛接到盗窃报告后,两名十几岁的女孩在纽约州罗切斯特开始的汽车追逐后被捕。 Two teenage girls were arrested after a car chase that started in Rochester, NY, following a larceny report at a Walmart. 当他们驾驶的失窃的SUV撞上另一辆车时,追逐在铁德魁特中结束。 The chase ended in Irondequoet when the stolen SUV they were driving crashed into another car. 没有报告有人受伤,调查仍在进行中,指控尚待审理。 No injuries were reported, and the investigation is ongoing with charges pending.