四名青少年在尼亚加拉县遭偷车追逐后被捕,面临多项指控。 Four juveniles arrested after a stolen car chase in Niagara County, facing multiple charges.
纽约尼亚加拉县发生偷盗车辆追逐事件后,四名少年男子被逮捕。 Four juvenile males were arrested after a stolen vehicle chase in Niagara County, New York. 追逐始于前一天在格兰德岛失窃的车辆未能因交通违规而停下来。 The chase started when the vehicle, stolen the day before in Grand Island, failed to stop for a traffic violation. 车辆在追逐后撞上了园林, 乘客们逃跑了. It crashed into landscaping after a pursuit, and the occupants fled. 这些青少年被控犯罪性地拥有被盗财产,逃离警察,并犯有其他违法行为。 The juveniles were charged with criminal possession of stolen property, fleeing from police, and other violations. 他们被释放给父母,稍后将出庭。 They were released to their parents and will appear in court later.