Steven Brown, 北爱尔兰商人, 被指控经营大型可卡因走私集团, 以偿还债务。 Steven Brown, a Northern Irish businessman, is accused of running a major cocaine smuggling ring to cover debts.
Steven Brown是来自北爱尔兰Co Antrim的36岁的商人,他被指控领导一个大型跨界可卡因走私集团,偿还犯罪同伙45万英镑的债务,并支付20万英镑的税款。 Steven Brown, a 36-year-old businessman from Co Antrim, Northern Ireland, is accused of leading a major cross-border cocaine smuggling ring to repay £450,000 in debts to a criminal associate and to cover £200,000 in tax debts. 布朗和三名同谋最近被捕,导致毒品、金钱和奢侈品被扣押。 Charged with nine offenses, including drug supply and conspiracy, Brown and three accomplices were arrested recently, leading to the seizure of drugs, money, and luxury items. 据称,这项行动自2022年以来一直在运作。 The operation is alleged to have been active since 2022.