科学家在人类口和胆量中 发现了新的未知生命形式 令人困惑的研究人员 Scientists discover new, unidentified lifeforms in human mouths and guts, puzzling researchers.
科学家发现了一个新的,未知的生命形式, 绰号为“疯狂”, 存在于全球大约一半的人口之中。 Scientists have discovered a new, unidentified lifeform, nicknamed "crazy," present in about half of the global population. 这些生物在寻找未知模式的基因数据库时被发现, 生活在人类口腔和肠子的细菌中, 呆了大约一年。 Found while searching genetic databases for unknown patterns, these organisms live in the bacteria of human mouths and guts, staying for about a year. 这些生命体与植物感染病毒相似,使研究人员对其在人类相关细菌中的存在感到困惑。 The lifeforms are similar to plant-infecting viruses, leaving researchers puzzled about their presence in human-associated bacteria.