RAPT 治疗技术确保了RPT904的全球权利,RPT904是一种反IgE抗体,总部设在中国的Jemincare。 RAPT Therapeutics secures global rights to RPT904, an anti-IgE antibody, with China-based Jemincare.
RAPT 治疗学和上海Jemincare制药公司已就RPT904 -- -- 延长半衰期的反IgE抗体 -- -- 的独家许可证达成协议。 RAPT Therapeutics and Shanghai Jemincare Pharmaceutical have agreed on an exclusive license for RPT904, an extended half-life anti-IgE antibody. 除了中国大陆、香港、澳门和台湾以外,RAPT在世界范围内获得了权利。 RAPT gains worldwide rights except for mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. Jemincare收到3 500万美元的预付费,最高达6.725亿美元的里程碑费用和未来的使用费。 Jemincare receives a $35 million upfront fee, up to $672.5 million in milestones, and future royalties. RAPT旨在发展RPT904用于食品过敏,而Jemincare正在中国进行哮喘和尿道病检测。 RAPT aims to develop RPT904 for food allergy, while Jemincare is testing it for asthma and urticaria in China.