Teva 和 mAbxience加强全球伙伴关系,发展反PD-1肿瘤生物相似的病原体。 Teva and mAbxience strengthen global partnership to develop anti-PD-1 oncology biosimilar.
通过新的全球许可协议, Teva 制药和 mAbxience 加强了合作伙伴关系, 开发一种抗PD-1 瘤生物类似药. Teva Pharmaceuticals and mAbxience have strengthened their partnership with a new global licensing agreement to develop an anti-PD-1 oncology biosimilar. 该倡议标志着它们的第二次合作,侧重于生产负担得起的、高质量的肿瘤治疗。 This initiative, marking their second collaboration, focuses on producing affordable, high-quality treatments for oncology. 据了解,mAbxience将在西班牙和阿根廷负责开发和生产,而Teva将在美国和欧洲管理监管批准和商业化,与Teva的增长战略保持一致. mAbxience will handle development and production in Spain and Argentina, while Teva will manage regulatory approvals and commercialization in the U.S. and Europe, aligning with Teva's growth strategy.