新西兰家庭赢得5百万美元的电球奖,计划偿还抵押贷款,并投资于儿童的未来。 New Zealand family wins $5 million in Powerball, plans to pay off mortgage and invest for children's future.
一个中央奥塔戈家族在彩票中赢得500万美元, 实现了他们改变人生的梦想。 A Central Otago family won $5 million in the Powerball lottery, fulfilling their dream of a life-changing win. 匿名赢家通常只在大奖超过1 000万美元时才买票,当大奖为2 300万美元时,他购买了一张多彩票。 The anonymous winner, who usually buys tickets only when the jackpot surpasses $10 million, purchased a multi-draw ticket when the jackpot was $23 million. 他们计划偿还抵押贷款,为子女的未来投资,并进行特别旅行。 They plan to pay off their mortgage, invest for their children's future, and take a special trip.