一名惠灵顿妇女在收到作为礼物的票后,在2025年第一次电球抽奖中赢得700万美元。 A Wellington woman won $7 million in the first Powerball draw of 2025 after receiving the ticket as a gift.
一位惠灵顿女性在2025年第一次电球比赛中赢得700万美元,领取了作为礼物的彩票。 A Wellington woman won $7 million in the first Powerball draw of 2025, receiving the ticket as a gift. 奖金包括600万美元的电球第一分赛和100万美元的彩票第一分赛. The prize includes $6 million from Powerball First Division and $1 million from Lotto First Division. 这场胜利是在一周前 邓内丁夫妇赢了500万美元之后取得的 This win follows a Dunedin couple's $5 million win a week earlier. 下一张《罢工四》奖状出价80万美元 获奖者得奖最多一个月 The next Strike Four draw offers $800,000 and winners have up to a month to claim their prize.