LG能源解决方案小组与Qualcomm公司合作,加强电动车辆电池管理系统。 LG Energy Solution teams with Qualcomm to enhance electric vehicle battery management systems.
LG能源解决方案是韩国主要的电池制造商,它与Qualcomm技术公司合作,推进电动车辆的电池管理系统。 LG Energy Solution, a leading South Korean battery maker, has partnered with Qualcomm Technologies to advance battery management systems for electric vehicles. 它们的合作将LGES的先进软件与Qualcomm的数字底盘和云服务结合起来,以改进诊断。 Their collaboration integrates LGES' advanced software with Qualcomm's digital chassis and cloud services to improve diagnostics. LGES以其高安全检测率和低诊断误差率闻名,还达成了一项多年协议,从2026年开始向Excelsior能源资本LP提供能源储存系统。 LGES, known for its high safety detection rate and low error rate in diagnostics, also secured a multi-year deal to supply energy storage systems to Excelsior Energy Capital LP starting 2026.