到2026年,LG能源解决方案将为Rivian的R2电动车提供67GWh电池。 LG Energy Solution will supply Rivian with 67 GWh of batteries for its R2 electric vehicle by 2026.
LG能源解决方案(LGES)已签署了一项五年协议,为即将于2026年发射的R2电动车向Rivian提供67千瓦小时的4695个高级圆柱形电池,供它使用。 LG Energy Solution (LGES) has signed a five-year agreement to supply Rivian with 67 GWh of advanced 4695 cylindrical batteries for its upcoming R2 electric vehicle, set to launch in 2026. 电池将在LGES的亚利桑那州新设施生产,支持里维昂注重国内制造业。 The batteries will be produced at LGES's new Arizona facility, supporting Rivian's focus on domestic manufacturing. 这一伙伴关系加强了LGES作为电动车辆电池主要供应商的地位,并与美国促进当地生产的政策保持一致。 This partnership reinforces LGES's position as a leading electric vehicle battery supplier and aligns with U.S. policies promoting local production.