22岁的刘易斯·查普曼 死于安南附近的车祸 警方呼吁证人 Lewis Chapman, 22, died in a car crash near Annan, with police appealing for witnesses.
一个22岁的男子名叫Langholm的Lewis Chapman, 于12月13日在安南附近的车祸中丧生。 A 22-year-old man named Lewis Chapman from Langholm was killed in a car crash near Annan on December 13. 他的家人称他为"完美的儿子" 也称他为"所有认识他的人的功劳" His family described him as the "perfect son" and a "credit to everyone who knew him." 苏格兰警察正在调查这一事件,并呼吁证人提供资料。 Police Scotland is investigating the incident and have appealed for witnesses to come forward with information. B6357公路上有一辆灰色的越野车坠毁。 The crash involved a grey Range Rover on the B6357 road.