苏格兰的车祸造成1名乘客死亡,司机受伤,两栋房屋受损。 A car crash in Scotland killed one passenger, injured the driver, and damaged two houses.
2025年1月6日在苏格兰的Argyll和Bute发生了一场致命的车祸,当时一辆红色BMW撞上了Stewarton附近的两栋房屋。 A fatal car crash occurred on January 6, 2025, in Argyll and Bute, Scotland, when a red BMW crashed into two houses near Stewarton. 一名25岁的乘客在现场死亡,23岁的司机住院治疗。 A 25-year-old passenger died at the scene, and the 23-year-old driver was hospitalized. 房屋中无人受伤。 No one in the houses was injured. 警方正在调查并要求任何证人或有情报的人同他们联系。 Police are investigating and requesting any witnesses or those with information to contact them.