levenworth's Front Street Park关闭草坪区, 之后丰田Tundra因做甜甜圈造成损坏。 Leavenworth's Front Street Park closes lawn area after a Toyota Tundra caused damage by doing donuts.
莱文沃思的热门旅游景点前街公园在一辆被确认为 2024 年银色丰田 Tundra 的车辆因做甜甜圈而造成损坏后,暂时关闭了其草坪区。 Leavenworth's Front Street Park, a popular tourist spot, has temporarily closed its lawn area after a vehicle, identified as a 2024 silver Toyota Tundra, caused damage by doing donuts. 警方开始搜寻这名20岁或30岁左右的白人司机. The incident, caught on video and posted on Facebook, led to the city searching for the driver, described as a white male in his 20s or 30s. 尽管发生了破坏,该镇的圣诞节活动将按计划继续进行。 Despite the vandalism, the town's Christmas events will continue as planned.