印度阿尤什省推进全球传统医学, 计划到2027年在葡萄牙建立大型综合保健中心。 India's Ayush Ministry advances global traditional medicine, planning a major holistic health center in Portugal by 2027.
2024年,印度阿尤什省在传统医学全球化、将Ayurvedic术语纳入卫生组织的ICD-11以及建立研究机构方面取得了长足进步。 In 2024, India's Ministry of Ayush made strides in globalizing traditional medicine, integrating Ayurvedic terms into the WHO's ICD-11 and establishing research institutes. 卫生部签署了国际协定,并发起了健康宣传运动。 The ministry signed international agreements and launched health awareness campaigns. Ayush医院Soukya计划在葡萄牙建立一个220卢比综合保健中心,到2027年底开业,为慢性病提供综合传统治疗。 Ayush hospital Soukya plans a Rs 220 crore holistic health center in Portugal, set to open by late 2027, offering combined traditional treatments for chronic conditions.