印度敦促联合国的改革, 包括安全理事会的改革, 随着世界领导人签署「未来之路」, India urges UN reforms, including Security Council changes, as world leaders sign "Pact of the Future."
在纪念联合国成立80周年之际,印度呼吁进行改革,以保持本组织的相关性,特别是在改革联合国安全理事会以更好地反映当今地缘政治方面。 As the UN marks its 80th anniversary, India calls for reforms to keep the organization relevant, especially in transforming the UN Security Council to better reflect today's geopolitics. 莫迪总理强调必须进行全球对话和外交,以应对气候变化和恐怖主义等冲突和挑战。 Prime Minister Modi emphasizes the need for global dialogue and diplomacy to address conflicts and challenges like climate change and terrorism. 世界领导人签署了《未来行动》,以改善全球治理,推动可持续行动。 World leaders signed the "Pact of the Future" to improve global governance and drive sustainable action.