印度敦促联合国安全理事会改革,理由是进程无效和缺乏代表权。 India urges UN Security Council reforms, citing ineffective processes and lack of representation.
印度的联合国代表Parvathaneni Harish呼吁紧急改革联合国安全理事会,将谈判无效、坚持协商一致和缺乏全球南方代表权作为主要障碍。 India's UN representative, Parvathaneni Harish, has called for urgent reforms to the UN Security Council, citing ineffective negotiations, insistence on consensus, and lack of Global South representation as key obstacles. Harish强调有必要采取更具包容性的做法,并警告不要利用最低限度的协议作为避免实质性变化的借口。 Harish emphasizes the need for a more inclusive approach and warns against using minimal agreements as a pretext for avoiding substantial changes. 对改革的呼吁突出表明,需要更新安全理事会,以反映当前的全球动态。 The calls for reform highlight the need to update the Security Council to reflect current global dynamics.